How to make a 'simple' origami pyramid

I bought a ‘5 minute’ origami set from the bargain shelf at my local Waterstones this weekend. The guide it came with wasn’t good enough so I made a better one.

Process notes:

The original guide in the book wasn’t at all clear.

I went online and studied a couple of YouTube tutorials. Here is the one I found most helpful.

After practicing this one through a few times I decided I would sketch the stages for myself - as a way of learning the process. I ended up with 52 drawings. No wonder the original guide wasn’t clear enough!

I then tried to arrange and order it into some clearly defined sections - I ended up with five:

  • initial folds

  • diamond

  • kite

  • inner flaps

  • inflate

I opened up affinity designer on the Mac to do some laying out.

Finally I created an A2 image in Procreate and started sketching my original drawings into this composition, making a few tweaks as I went. Please feedback if you manage to successfully make the pyramid. The end inflation bit is quite difficult I think.